Get Trigger Saavy

Learn where to look for allergy triggers.

  • Food
  • Animal Dander
  • Pollens
  • Mold
  • Household chemicals
  • and many more

Can I really cure my child's allergies?


When you learn what to look for, you can help the body heal itself.

Allergies are the body's way of communicating an imbalance. Natural remedies can restore balance.

You'll learn about the supplements, herbs and homeopathic remedies I rely on for true healing.

Dietary Triggers

Learn the most likely foods causing hayfever, and how to properly eliminate them.

We even include a detailed guide on the low histamine diet.

Learn the Method

Learn Dr. Lindsay's unique strategy for getting to the root cause of allergies.

What to look for in your child that guides the healing process.


How to adapt your environment. What supplements to take. What remedies help with symptoms.

And how to reduce likelihood of allergies in your future children.

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